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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Habarala ( Alocasia macrorrhiza )

Botnical name: Alocasia macrorrhiza
 Family name: ARACEAE
Names in different languages:
    English: Elephant ears
    Sinhala: Habarala
    Tamil : Parum sembu
    Sanskrit:    Hastikarni

Distribution: Sri Lanka, India , Malaysia, , Philippines , Indonesia, Queensland , Solomon Islands. ,
Status: Under cultivations
Edible parts:-Tuber
Treatment for: , Abdominal pains,  Constipation, Hemorrhoids, Urinary problems, Tonsillitis, Swellings, Pains, Osteoarthritis, Earache, Nerve diseases.
 Parts used to make Medcine:-Tuber, Leaves


  1. One part HabaralaFlour (remove the soil by washing thoroughly and drain,remove the outer skin completely,slice, dry in the sun and grind) mixed with two parts of Rice flour, cooked with 8 parts of pure and fresh cows milk, to a thick porridge, taken twice a day, cures ailments associated with Liver and kidneys, as given in the old Ayurveda/Indigenous medical transcripts and tried successfully.

    1. Thanks a lot for these facts.
      If you know more facts about the other herbal plants and products please put those also as comments .



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