Scientific name- Munronia pinnata
English name
Tamil name
Sanskirt name
It’s equal
to Kohomba (Neem tree) tree by morphology
and bitter taste, but has a very short stem compared to it. It is found
naturally not only in Sri Lanka but also in India , Timor, Vietnam and Nepal.
Fully grown tree is not more than one foot tall. Compound leaves are arranged
spirally round the hard and rigid tree trunk. The leaflets found in one leaf
may be 3,5,7,9 or 11 in number and the
blade of the leaflet is
smooth or oblong. In Sri Lanka
plant containing smooth leaf with three leaflets are seen. Can be easily
cultivated and in cultivation plants with 5/7 leaflets, grow well. White
coloured flowers originate from the place where leaves are attached to stem.
Flowers are very beautiful as they contain bright orange coloured stamens 5 petals. Fruit of Binkohamba is
divided to 5 parts and about ½ cm in size. When the seeds get matured they give rise to new plants.
Flowers bloom from May to September. Propagation occur through seeds. They cannot be kept for a
long time They have a very short viability .Seeds are scattered everywhere once the fruit bursts.
Used in treatment for:
Blood disorders ,Fevers,Dysentry,General pains, Asthma,
Eczemas, Coughs,Vomiting, malaria,haemorrhoids.
Parts used in treatment:Whole plant