Scientific name- Erythrina variegata
English name-Coral tree
Tamil name-mullumurukku
Sanskirt name-paribhadra-

parts of the tree are important in traditional medicine.:
"The juice of Erabadu leaves is applied to syphilitic buboes. The bark is febrifuge, its juice kills maggots in foul ulcers. Gaskela or Erabadu is astringent and is given in combination with other drugs in dysentery and diarrhoea. It is also used both as a lactogogue and an emmenagogue. It is an ingredient in many decoctions".

parts of the tree are important in traditional medicine.:
"The juice of Erabadu leaves is applied to syphilitic buboes. The bark is febrifuge, its juice kills maggots in foul ulcers. Gaskela or Erabadu is astringent and is given in combination with other drugs in dysentery and diarrhoea. It is also used both as a lactogogue and an emmenagogue. It is an ingredient in many decoctions".