Family name:-SAPOTACEAE
English name:- South Indian mahua\
Sinhala name:- Mee
Tamil name:-Iluppai-tam
Sanskirt name :-Madhuka
Edibal parts:-None
Distribution:-E. Asia - India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Myanmar
Ayurvedic usage:-Rheumatism, Skin diseases, Fracture, Snake bite.
Parts used to make medic:-Bark,Seeds,Roors
There are several types of very similar looking Mee varieties. The seeds are used to extract "mee thel" (oil), while the flowers are eaten and also used in herbal drinks. All parts of the tree are used in herbal medicinal preparations.
There are several types of very similar looking Mee varieties. The seeds are used to extract "mee thel" (oil), while the flowers are eaten and also used in herbal drinks. All parts of the tree are used in herbal medicinal preparations.