Flowers that heal
Flowers look beautiful in the garden. They are pretty in vases in the house as decoration. We think that flowers only help to please the eye, but they are also god healers.
Ixora coccinea /Rathmal

A large variety of flowers are used as medicine in the treatment of infants and children. The “Malkasaya” for Rthagaya in the infants is one example. Ratmal or Vitch( in tamil ) is widely used in medicine for infants’ diseases. Ixora coccinea is the botanical name for Rathmal.
Hibiscus rosainensis/Sapattumal
Sapattumal or Vadamal (Shoe Flower),
(Hibiscus rosainensis) is not an endemic plant here but has been introduced
from China or the Phillipine, many years ago. This flower is prescribed for uterine haemorrhage.Shoe flowers are
fried in ghee and given in case of excessive menstruation. The buds are mostly
used in children’s diseases like
Rathagaya. A stimulating application for the hair is made by mixing the
juice of the patales and olive oil in equal portion and boiling in til all the
water has evaporated.
Flowers look beautiful in the garden. They are pretty in vases in the house as decoration. We think that flowers only help to please the eye, but they are also god healers.
Ixora coccinea /Rathmal

A large variety of flowers are used as medicine in the treatment of infants and children. The “Malkasaya” for Rthagaya in the infants is one example. Ratmal or Vitch( in tamil ) is widely used in medicine for infants’ diseases. Ixora coccinea is the botanical name for Rathmal.
Sometime ago, Dr. V.P.P. Willis, a
well-known Western practitioner brought the root of this tree to the notice of
the profession as a remedy For Dysentery. He further stated that it was a good
tonic for week stomachs. A very useful domestic remedy , composed of Rathmal ,
is given for catarrh in children.
A large variety of flowers are used as
medicine in the treatment of infants and children. The “Malkasaya” for Rthagaya in the infants is one example.
Ratmal or Vitch( in tamil ) is widely used in medicine for infants’ diseases.
Ixora coccinea is the botanical name for Rathmal.
Sometime ago, Dr. V.P.P. Willis, a
well-known Western practitioner brought the root of this tree to the notice of
the profession as a remedy For Dysentery. He further stated that it was a good
tonic for week stomachs. A very useful domestic remedy , composed of Rathmal ,
is given for catarrh in children.

Saraca indica/Asoka

Michelia champaca/ Sapu
Champa or Sapu (Michelia champaca) is cultivated mostly for the sake of its flowers. These flowers are astringent and diuretic. It is not an endemic plant here , but for ages these flowers have been used as a herb. When people were not educated in the prevention and care of social diseases, the indigenous herbs were very useful. Sapu flowers are carminative , antispasmodic, diuretic and are used for stomach ailments. An infusion of the Sapu flowers is given in cases of gonorrohea, for prevention against and also in kidney dises. An ointment of the sapu flowers made with some mild oils is useful as a dressing for rheumatism, headache, vettigo, and inflammation. The oil extracted from sapu flowers is used locally in the case of headaches . This oil rubbed on the abdomen relieves flatulence.
Puncia granatum/Delum

Jasminum grandiflorium/DesamanDesaman of Pichchamal (Jasminum grandiflorium) is another well known flower used in medicine. These flowers can be crushed and applied to the breasts of nursing mothers to check the secretion of milk if an abscess is developing. The essential oil extracted from flowers is a deodorant.It is used when discharges from nose and years foul smell. The Spanish Jasmine (or the Saman pichchamal) is widely used in medicine. These flowers are mainly used for eye diseases. It is used to ferment the eyes when they are swollen. The juice is put into the eye for redness. Dried flowers are used as a pillow for headaches and catarrh.
Cassia Fistula/Ehela
Ehela or Cassia Fistula , is known in English as Golden Shower or Purging Cassis. In Sanskrit it is called Suwarnaka or Raja taru , which means Roayal Tree. When blooming it is beautiful with its long springs of yellow flowers. The Ehela flowers are boiled and give as a safe purgative for children and expectant mothers. The flowers are made into pulp and applied round the navel of a child suffering from flatulence. This causes evacuation.
coconut flower
The coconut flower, which is very common in this country, is a very effective medicine in haemorrhage and dysentery. 12 Kalaadas of the coconut flower boiled ib 8 cups of water and reduced to one , is highly recommended in Sassaneepa(the Ayurvedic medical book ) for dysentery.