Botanical name:-Fluggea leucopyrus
Family name:- CELASTRACEAE
English name:-Red spike thorn
Names in different languages:
Sinhala name:-Katupila
Tamil name:-Irubulai, varatpulaver,
Name:-Panduraphali / Svetakamboja
Grows in:- Sri Lanka,India
Edible parts:-Leaves
Ayurveda usage:-
Treatment for:- Anorexia, Dyspepsia, Coughs , Biliousness, Cancer,
Kidney obstructions
Parts used to make medicine-Leaves,Barks,,Roots
Katupila is grown in almost every province of low contry as thorny shrubs , specially inarid areas .This plant is3 or 4 feet tall. The leaves are dark green , round and small. The flowers are small and light green coloured.The fruit of Katupila are small and tums white when ripe. The seed of the fruit are very small.
Every part of this plant used to produce many madicines, patts of its used to eleminate cancer. And also it's used for curing fractures ,absesis, and removing snake vnom or poison.In Ayurvedic medicine , it's used to cure tumors of uterus and piles .It also used to cure gastric ulcers.
. In ancient times, our Ayurvedic physicians have been using this as a cure for cancer
19th August 2009 Lankadeepa Sinhala article claims (anecdotal) that concotions of its leaves help cure cancer.
According to Indian reports: The plant is sweet, cooling, diuretic, aphrodisiac and tonic, and is useful in vitiated conditions of pitta, burning sensation, strangury, seminal weakness and general debility.The leaves act as a disinfectant and its paste is used by local people to extract any extraneous materials from body tissues without surgery.