A very small perennial herb, 15-45 cm long with numerous, long,, slender, prostrate branches rooting at nodes, clothed with white spreading hairs; leaves small, alternate, stipulate, trifoliate.Three typs of Undupiyaliya .There areMaha Undupiyaliya , Eth Undupialiya,and Heen Undipialiya. All th threetyps are used to produceAyurvedicmedicne. Out of these most important is Heen Undupiyaliya. Some people grow it in order to add beauty to landscapes.It is said that walking on the groves of Undupiyaliya is healthyfor eyes.
It is grown in countries such asJapan , India, Sri Lanka , and Taiwan.It's said that their leaves contain vitamin B. Villagers of sri Lanka usedto prepare Undupiyaliya as Kanjee anddrink it as a herbal drink.
It used to prepare ointments, that used to cure diseases related to head.Medicines prepared from it are used to cure diseases of Infants, Fractureof bons.and to stimulate the production of milk of breast feeding mothers.
It said that Undupiyaliya leaves can be dried and turned in to powder and can be consumed as a beverage similar to tea which is good for diabetes.