Botanical name-Azadirachta indica A
English name-Neem.
Tamil name-Arulundi

The Margosa tree is used a great deal in indigenous medicine . The powdered bark and fresh leaves are mentioned in the pharmacopoeia of India. According
To the old text on indigenous medicine , the presence of the tree is an insect repellent.
The twigs are used to clean teeth . The fresh of the leaves with solt and bees honey is given for intestinal worms. The juice is prescribed for jaundice and skin diseases. Externally, the leaves are applied for skin diseases as discutient or as an antiseptic.
They are also used for boils, chronic ulcers, eruption due to small pox, glandular swelling, wound ets.they are used either as poultices , decoction, iiniment or ointment. A piece of cloth ,saturated with the decoction to whuch has been added a little sprits of camphor, is used as a bandage over compound fractures.
The gum exudes from the stem is a stimulant has a soothing effect on the skin and mucus membranes, and is used in catarrhal diseases and general debility.
The seeds are also used as an insecticide and as a detergent for washing the hair. Their suspension is used as a spray. The astringent and antiseptic virtues of Margosa oil have been experimentally confirmed.
The flowers are dried and are used as a tonic for fever. A very effective food for diabetes is made out of Margosa flower. Kohamba trees were always planted in front of the house. The small that comes from the Nim tree is disinfectant and kills germs. It helps to purify the air. There for planting Kohamba trees where air pollution exists serve a dual purpose as shade trees, and as an anti-pollutantm.