Jak (Artocarpus heterophyllus) . Soft (vala) and hard (waraka). The waraka or hard jack is more popular than the soft.
The bark is used mainly for medicinal purposes. It is widely used for sprains and fractures.
Jack when tender is called polos. This is a delicious curry among the Sinhalese and Tamils. In the diet chart of the ancient kings of Sri Lanka This polos curry was never absent. Nursing mothers are given polos curry and even boiled jack to increase their milk. Plos is given as a curry To patient from diarrhoea. This helps to settle the stomach.
The king’s menu was a well balanced diet. It was arranged by educated Vedaralas who served the king.
Polos is a curry that is relished by expectant mothers. The curative value of polos is digestive, nutritious and helps to enrich breast milk.
The vala or the soft ripe fruit is eaten by the villages even on an empty stomach. It is a laxative. It helps to clear the bowels and to digest the food. Vala is
Given to children suffering from bronchitis. This is given in the “Kema” it is not possible to prove scientifically how the 'kema act, but all we know is that the answer the problem. The vala bulb are kept dew, dipped in bees’ honey and Early in the morning patients are given the juice.
They are given one bulb every morning to be taken on empty stomach. Vala and waraka are now available as canned fruits.
The waraka tree has a difference medicine value. Waraka barks are specially used for sprains.
The waraka leaves are dried, powered and poured like coffee. This coffee is used by diabetic patient.
In the standard work on indigenous medicine “Sarasansepa” the following prescription for diabetes is given.
“Pakuwanan Moshapatran Chrunan Tavilana Tenayat Pramehan Sakalan Sigran Masaya Muttra Sanasayah”
The meaning of above is as follow: pound of well the ripe leaves(of the jack tree) Fry it in gingelly oil. Take and diabetes will undoubtedly vanish forthwith The dosage is two tablespoonsful twice a day. One can hardly imagine that so simple a remedy have such marked result on this diseases. It look too simple a remedy to cure so formidable a disease but the fact it is mentioned in a standred work on medicine, shows that it has been an effective remedy.
History has indicated that fruit have been remedies of the higest effcecy in quite a long lisr of diseases. Fruit cures are coming in to great favour in medical Institution and among practitioners in Western countries. In these cures the patient are placed on an excelusive ftuit diate for a period of several days.TheParticular fruit to be eaten are determined by the nature and requirement of the Condition under treatment.
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